Crying Out!


We are connected to each other in so many ways in society today. Telephones, computers, cell phones, tablets, and probably some I have never heard about. We can phone, text, email, chat, messenger, Facebook, Instagram (whatever that is) snapchat, and several others. Some even use Skyp to talk to loved ones far away. Yet, many Christians, even with all their knowledge about communication; have great difficulty in seeking after the Lord in prayer. We know we need to pray, we want to pray, but the lack of prayer is obvious. How? It is evident from the lack of power and answered prayers.

The world we live in seems to get crazier by the minute. Cities have entire neighborhoods that are considered dangerous to even travel through. The gangs have taken over and no one is safe. Sexual predators on line place our children danger daily. Parents have buried their children, the result of bullying. Drugs are destroying our society from the richest to the poorest in our nation. Wars, terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, and so many other horrible events take place daily. Just watch the news and you can quickly become depressed.

As Christians, we have to be willing to stand in the gap for our family, our church family, friends, neighbors, nations, and world. Just weeks ago, Christians were killed in our own country simply for professing their faith in Christ. Hundreds of Christians are being tortured and beheaded overseas. They need our prayers. Will they hear our words? No, but you can rest in the knowledge that they will feel our prayers. Think about how the intercession of the saints delivered Peter from prison. The Lord sent an angel to walk him right out the door. Your prayers could have the same result in the life of someone else today.

How many of you struggle knowing you have loved ones who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior? Are you crying out for their salvation? Are you storming the gates of heaven interceding on their behalf? If so, then continue to stand in the gap, they need your prayers. As long as there is breathe, there is hope. A dear friend had spent years praying for a loved one. When he suffered a devastating stroke, the doctors said he could not hear any longer. Her fear was overwhelming until she was reminded that as long as there was breathe there was hope. Once more she interceded for his salvation. Within hours, he responded to their words in spite of the doctor’s words. Days later, he asked Jesus into his heart as his Savior. Imagine their rejoicing! He lived three months afterwards and no one doubted the reality of his salvation.

Every single one of us needs prayer and every one of us needs to be seeking the Lord in prayer. Prayer is our lifeline, our source of connection to the Lord. Jesus slipped away to pray to His Father. He taught His disciples to pray. Even as He hung on the cross, He thought of those around Him asking the Father to forgive them. He set the example before us. We see the disciples following His example in the upper room as they prayed and broke bread together.

Pray for the lost, the lonely, and the discouraged. Lift up your family, your friends, and neighbors. Intercede for the abused and neglected. Ask Him to show mercy, and bestow strength on the persecuted. Reach out to the Lord in prayer as never before. You may never see the results this side of heaven. However, you can rest in the knowledge that your prayers have and will make a difference. Press in and pray, intercede and stand in the gap; your prayers are needed more now than ever before.

“Father, I pray we catch a glimpse of the power of prayer in our life. Teach us to intercede for those around us. Show us how to cry out for Your mercy and grace. Let us see Your power moving in our life and our loved ones. Let us make the commitment before You today to pray and intercede before Your throne. We seek Your face today as never before. Amen”

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