Crying Out!


We are connected to each other in so many ways in society today. Telephones, computers, cell phones, tablets, and probably some I have never heard about. We can phone, text, email, chat, messenger, Facebook, Instagram (whatever that is) snapchat, and several others. Some even use Skyp to talk to loved ones far away. Yet, many Christians, even with all their knowledge about communication; have great difficulty in seeking after the Lord in prayer. We know we need to pray, we want to pray, but the lack of prayer is obvious. How? It is evident from the lack of power and answered prayers.

The world we live in seems to get crazier by the minute. Cities have entire neighborhoods that are considered dangerous to even travel through. The gangs have taken over and no one is safe. Sexual predators on line place our children danger daily. Parents have buried their children, the result of bullying. Drugs are destroying our society from the richest to the poorest in our nation. Wars, terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, and so many other horrible events take place daily. Just watch the news and you can quickly become depressed.

As Christians, we have to be willing to stand in the gap for our family, our church family, friends, neighbors, nations, and world. Just weeks ago, Christians were killed in our own country simply for professing their faith in Christ. Hundreds of Christians are being tortured and beheaded overseas. They need our prayers. Will they hear our words? No, but you can rest in the knowledge that they will feel our prayers. Think about how the intercession of the saints delivered Peter from prison. The Lord sent an angel to walk him right out the door. Your prayers could have the same result in the life of someone else today.

How many of you struggle knowing you have loved ones who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior? Are you crying out for their salvation? Are you storming the gates of heaven interceding on their behalf? If so, then continue to stand in the gap, they need your prayers. As long as there is breathe, there is hope. A dear friend had spent years praying for a loved one. When he suffered a devastating stroke, the doctors said he could not hear any longer. Her fear was overwhelming until she was reminded that as long as there was breathe there was hope. Once more she interceded for his salvation. Within hours, he responded to their words in spite of the doctor’s words. Days later, he asked Jesus into his heart as his Savior. Imagine their rejoicing! He lived three months afterwards and no one doubted the reality of his salvation.

Every single one of us needs prayer and every one of us needs to be seeking the Lord in prayer. Prayer is our lifeline, our source of connection to the Lord. Jesus slipped away to pray to His Father. He taught His disciples to pray. Even as He hung on the cross, He thought of those around Him asking the Father to forgive them. He set the example before us. We see the disciples following His example in the upper room as they prayed and broke bread together.

Pray for the lost, the lonely, and the discouraged. Lift up your family, your friends, and neighbors. Intercede for the abused and neglected. Ask Him to show mercy, and bestow strength on the persecuted. Reach out to the Lord in prayer as never before. You may never see the results this side of heaven. However, you can rest in the knowledge that your prayers have and will make a difference. Press in and pray, intercede and stand in the gap; your prayers are needed more now than ever before.

“Father, I pray we catch a glimpse of the power of prayer in our life. Teach us to intercede for those around us. Show us how to cry out for Your mercy and grace. Let us see Your power moving in our life and our loved ones. Let us make the commitment before You today to pray and intercede before Your throne. We seek Your face today as never before. Amen”

Giving Him Your All


What is your prayer life like? I asked for a specific reason, to make you stop and think. Actually, a song on the radio made me think about the same thing this morning. I don’t remember the exact words but it was basically – “I want to come to You before I ask of You!” Wow! “I want to come to You and just spend time with You, Lord without asking anything from You.”

How different would our walk be if our approach to the Lord was like this? Would we fail and fall less? Probably so, our mind would be set upon the Lord and His desires and not our own self-ambitions. Or perhaps, we would develop His eyes and look at events and people around us in a different light. Would we have more faith in what He is doing? Too often we question what He does or allows in our life because we are not in-tune with Him.

Many people have developed the mentality that He is their own personal bank or Sugar Daddy who just waits for their next request. When those requests aren’t answered the feeling is “God has failed to provide wants.” True is, God promises to provide for our NEEDS. He promises to bless us but we have to meet His conditions first. Obedience to Him, and His ways is the path that leads to His blessings. Too often, we think we can live any old way we want and He is going to sit idly back, smile at our choices and do nothing.

But think about it for minute. IF the Lord is coming for a bride without spot and blemish, how does your life and mine fit into that picture? Is your part in the Body of Christ spotless? Are you walking a life with the Lord that brings glory to His name? Is your testimony one that shines light in the darkness of the world around you? Are you different than you were a year ago or even six months ago?

Too often, we fail daily. And daily we should be repenting and allowing the Spirit of the Lord to minister to you. Daily we should be seeking Him. Oh, not seeking Him for things! But truly seeking Him – seeking His face, rejoicing in who He is, for all He has poured over our heart, and especially for His salvation, His everlasting love, forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

Even in the Lord’s Prayer, think about the first few lines. “Our Father!” Relationship with our Father is first and foremost the most important relationship we will ever have. Just two little words but they reveal a heart set on the Lord. You are claiming a kinship with the Creator of all. “Our Father, which art in heaven,” this second part reveals His place in the universe. Heaven is the place of His throne where the angels gather and worship Him. “Hallowed be Thy name.” Yes, He is holy, righteous, and worthy of all our praise.

The next little section reveals our heart’s desire in our relationship with the Lord. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” Do you want your way or His way? Are you willing to lay aside self and search after His desires for your life? Notice that the time spent with the Lord up to this point is still all about Him. This is a true heartfelt relationship with the Lord.

Why? Because if we are spending time with Him, just Him, then a peace comes of knowing that He will handle everything else in our life. We don’t have to beg, or try to convince Him our way is better. We will trust in the Lord in a way we never have before. Our desire will be to closer than ever with our Father. Draw close to the Lord today. Lay everything else aside and just seek Him and give thanks for all He has done for you already. He is worthy – He is worthy of your all.

But How?


Have you taken time to really think about what the word and action forgiveness actually means? We hear people say. “I have forgiven so and so.” Other times, the statement is “I will not forgive. I have a right to my feelings.” Sometimes with a major offense, it is difficult to let go of the pain and agony that it has cost us. The struggle is real. We know what to do but how…? How do we forgive, much less forget.

And as Christians, we have spoken the Lord’s Prayer. Often we recite it without really taking the time to think about what we are saying or what each line truly means. The hardest ones for many are these few words, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. “ Too often we feel justified by the lack of forgiveness. The offender deserves our wrath and contempt, especial when they are another believer. Or perhaps the offender is someone who doesn’t know the Lord – in fact the person hates anything to do with Christianity.

Yet, in the last few days, this is something I have thought about a lot. Many times our thoughts might be “Why? Why should we let it go? Why is it required by the Lord? Why? Why? Why? But God, don’t You understand what they did to me? But Lord, why did You let me get hurt. But Father, I don’t know how to let it go. We sit nursing our grudges and drift farther and farther from the Lord.

In the original Greek part of the definitions of forgiveness is to ‘lay it aside.” That sounds so easy – just lay it aside. However, in all honestly, it is perhaps one of the hardest things for us to do. We twist and turn the problem this way and that way but it sticks to our heart and spirit and as they say “stuck like glue.” Another part of the definition is to ‘yield up’. I love this part of the definition. “Yield up” – yes, yield it up! Yield it up to the throne of the Lord. Take it to the Lord. But again it is difficult to know exactly how to do this.

Why is this so important part of the Christian walk? One Scripture reveals the truth of this position of our life: Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. This one verse places the importance of forgiving ALL of our offenses. Not the one or two times that we have been hurt, but every single time in our life that someone has hurt us. Sometimes we think this is impossible but we know deep within forgiveness it something we should do.

But the Lord dropped something in my heart these last few days. It was my ‘offenses’ that led to the need for a Savior. It was my sins that required the need for the shedding of innocent blood. That perfect sacrifice came through Jesus Christ. It was my and your sins and offenses that led to Jesus dying on the cross. It was for our shortcomings that Jesus left His place in heaven to come and take on the mantle of a man. He willingly gave up His life for you and me.

Yet, even though it was our sin that caused Jesus’ life, His Father forgave us. He not only forgave all of our sins, He cast them as far as the east is from the west. He forgave us and threw our sin away, never to be seen again. He forgave every single offense you have ever committed. And all you had to do was ask for His forgiveness. His Son died for us and yet the Father has forgiven us in His mercy and grace. His love for us has superseded.

How could the Father forgive us when we are the cause of His Son’s death? How could He so easily lay it aside – never thinking about it again once it has been forgiven at the foot of the cross? Simply put, out of His love, His compassion, mercy and grace. Yes He is God but He had feelings just like us. He agonized as He watched Jesus endure the pain of torture even before He was placed on the cross. Yet because of His great love for you and me – He stood and watched. And then – He forgave!

How can we as His children refuse to forgive another when we have been forgiven so much? No it’s not easy! At times, it seems impossible. But He still requires us to forgive those who have sinned against us. He knows how we have been hurt. He understands how hard it is to lay it aside. But if we lay it at His feet, at the foot of His throne – He will handle things in His way and in His timing. If we yield it up – lifting it up, asking Him to take our heavy load – He promise to take our burden and give us the strength to forget. We might never be able to forget like our Heavenly Father – but we can learn to let it go and leave it in our past – just as He does. As we let go, our spirit will feel as light as a feather. Let it go!

One Crying Out


I sit wondering at the events that many of God’s children are enduring. My heart and spirit ache for them. In some instances, there are no ways to ease the intense pain they are enduring. Other times, the ones standing feel their knees are shaking and they honestly wonder how much weight can be placed upon their weary shoulders. Still many knees have buckled and their tired worn out owners ponder if they will ever regain their footing. Even as those that have a tender heart will stand, watching, with their heart aching for their loved ones and friends who are besieged on every side.

Some have simply lost their way. They have walked with the Lord but now they fight the thoughts of abandonment. They wonder, does the Lord see? Does He hear their cry? Where is He? Each day and at times every hour brings hopelessness even deeper in their soul. It has been so long since they have felt His presence and even now they doubt what they believed in the past. Was it real?

Others, in a fit of rage, have turned their back on the Lord. Only the Lord and their own heart know the truth of the root of their rage. Maybe it began as a small trickle, but as time passed the trickle became a raging flash flood, washing away everything but the deeply rooted anger. They want no part of this “overbearing God’ any more. They are quick to tell others of the foolishness to serve this ‘false’ God.

Then there are those who have allowed sin and un-forgiveness to run rampant in their life. Their selfish desires are greater than the desire to serve the Lord. Their decline deeper into sin is painful to watch, especially knowing that there is little anyone can do until this sin-weary heart returns to the foot of the cross.

Also we see those who desire to serve the Lord with their whole hearts. Yet, even as they continue to press in deeper into things of the Lord, they are buffeted on all sides. They are determined to not give up. Their eyes are set on the cross and all that the Lord is calling them to, and yet the steady attacks bring more pain. Often the thought is “How much more can I stand? Lord, help me!” Yet, they stand but weariness is setting in upon their spirit.
Yes, each one of us have seen friends and loved ones in these situations. And maybe, some of you might be in the same exact situation right now. If so, there is no question that you are wondering the same thing. “How much more can I take? Lord, are You here? Are You with me?”

Be encouraged! He is with you! He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you! Even when you can’t see Him, or feel Him – He is still right there with you. If you are watching a loved one endure those hardships and you can’t physically help, run to the foot of the cross and cry out the Lord for them. Be willing to stand in the gap for them. Be the friend that is crying out for mercy and grace. Be the one who asks for divine strength. Be the one that will appeal before the God’s throne for divine favor. Are you willing to stand in prayer for them? I pray you are and you will. Stand in the gap and watch the hand of the Lord move.

Are You Listening


How many times do we feel the Lord has not heard our prayer? Do you believe that sometimes the Lord refuses to answer? Or maybe, after a time or two you just give up. Often the feeling is that if I don’t have an answer in my timeframe that I need to face facts – that the Lord has failed me. Truth is, the Lord has NEVER failed anyone. Not you or me, or anyone who has lived before us nor anyone who will be born after us. But we need to realize that His ways are not our ways. He sees way beyond the ‘now’ situation, and He gives an answer that is the very best for us.

In Genesis, Abraham learned that the Lord was bringing judgment to Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham begins interceding before the Lord. “Lord, if there are fifty righteous, will You spare them?” His answer was yes. But Abraham was not content, his heart reached out again and again in intercession. “Lord, will You spare for 45,… 40,… 30,… 20,…10?” With each cry, Abraham lowered the number. And with each reply the answer was yes. The Lord listened to the cry of Abraham’s heart. Yet just a short time, Abraham saw the smoke and knew the end result. The Lord answered yes but He could not even find 10 righteous men in those wicked towns.

Peter was imprisoned and Herod was not going to let him out. To ensure he did not escape, Peter was placed in chains, with two guards standing over him. Breaking out was humanly impossible. Yet we learn in Acts 12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. The godly men and women refused to give up. They interceded for Peter constantly. The answer came one dark night in the form of an angel. This ministering spirit released him from his chains and walked him right out the door. And absolutely no one saw a single thing.

God is God, He sees far beyond our limited vision. He understands in ways that are totally foreign to us. His desire is for the best in our life. Yet, too often, we fail to understand or believe that. When our son was severely injured in a wreck, the Lord ministered one question in particular to my aching heart and spirit. “Can you trust Me even in this?” My answer then and now is still the same. “Who else can I trust Lord?” People fail each other all the time, even at times when they don’t intend to. Even though the answer was not what we wanted, I still stand on His promises and know that He loves us and wants what is best for our life.

Prayer is our lifeline to the Lord. It is like calling long-distance but there are no cords or wires. The greatest thing is there are no charges, no fees, and no operators needed. You are able to call upon the Lord at any time. He never sleeps and always answers your call. He doesn’t use an answering machine and there is no need for a secretary. His answers are like a parent’s at times. It might be yes, no, maybe, not right now or it depends. We all love yes answers and hate nos. At times, we want to rush ahead and the Lord says ‘Not right now!” At other times, we might question why. But we need to develop a heart like Paul resting in His answers that “His grace is sufficient for us.”

Today, the Lord wants to hear your voice. Come before Him not only with your wants and needs, but first and foremost in thanksgiving. He is worthy of all your praise and worship. The Lord has proven His love to you and is worthy of your thanks. He will meet your needs. It might not be the way you want but it will be in His way and that will prove to be the best way possible. At times, like Abraham, you will need to intercede repeatedly for needs. Daniel prayed constantly for twenty-one days. Nehemiah prayed and fasted for days. Don’t give up. He is there and He is listening. Press in! Call out! Cry to the Living God!

Pressing in to Meet the Need


“But you just don’t understand what I am going through!”  How many times has this thought gone through your mind or even your lips?  We often suffer in silence until it gets to the point that everything becomes so overwhelming and spills out like an overloaded paper bag that splits wide open.   It is obvious to all at that point that we are at the end of our rope and yet no one really knows how to help, or what to do to make a difference.  And unfortunately, in some situations, no one can do a single thing that will make a lasting difference except….

Except what?  What can you do that will make a difference?  Pray, yes your prayer can intervene in a way you could never imagine.  Praying, pressing in before the Lord and lifting up a person, a situation, a family, a friend or loved one.  You might not be able to do anything else but you can pray.  You can cry out to the Lord for a touch, for His mercy, for His peace.

In the last few months, there have been more prayer requests than ever before, especially on social media.  People are willing to share a need or their heart here especially because they do not have to see someone judging with their expression.  They don’t see someone keep on scrolling past their cry or hide the post.  But they do see when someone types the simple message, “praying.”  They see the number of people who “like” the post.  And believe it not, that in itself brings a touch of encouragement.

But we need to go beyond that “like” or a comment.  We need to act on it – right then.  Prayer doesn’t have to be a long drawn out affair.  It doesn’t need to be words filling the air for the sake of saying something.  Pray can simple be a few words that relay the need to the foot of the throne of the Lord.  “Father, touch their hurting hearts.”  “Lord, strengthen her tonight.”  “Jesus, surround them with your love.”  “Minister to him that You still love him, Lord.”  “I ask for mercy and grace.”  “Meet their need Lord, You know the need.  Meet it in the way that only You can do.”

Yes, there are times that the Lord will have you spend time interceding for particular needs.  He will lay someone or something on your heart and you will cry out for direction, mercy, and a touch.  When this happens, He will stretch your time and give you the words.  It might be behind the wheel driving to work.  Or perhaps, you lift up their name while making a bed.  Just be obedient.

You might not ever hear how your prayers were answered.  But that doesn’t really matter, what matters, is that you were obedient and cried out for someone else and their need.  You were the one that carried them to the Lord.  No matter if your prayer was short and sweet, or long and intense.  The Lord hears them and honors them.

So many have shared how they felt the power of prayer in their most difficult times. They have talked about how loved they felt.  Some have seen answers beyond anything they could ever imagine.  Healing both physical and spiritual, financial needs, marriages re-stored, and relationships repaired have happened because someone stood in the gap.  Are you willing to be the one that will cry for another?  Can the Lord use you to stand in the gap?  May your answer be “Yes, Lord, please use me”!

Who He Really is


Out of the burning bush the Lord spoke so clearly.  Moses asked one question – Who should I say sent me?  God’s reply has echoed across the ages.  “I Am that I Am”   I imagine the sound of God’s voice ricocheted off the nearby rocks with I am … I am… I am… filling the air with a thunderous roar. 

But what does that really mean to you and me.  He often spoke to His people in the Old Testament that he was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Those words brought comfort and the knowledge that they were indeed hearing from the same God as their forefathers.  But who is the great I Am.  What does this mean in your life today?  Is He able to meet all your needs, not just one or two but every single need you have?  Is He with you everywhere you go? The answer is a resounding YES! 

I Am the Alpha and Omega

I Am Elohim – your Creator

I Am Jehovah-Jireh, your Provider

I Am Jehovah-Nissi – the Lord your Banner

I Am Jehovah –Raphi – the Lord your Healer

I Am Jehovah-Tsidkenu – the Lord your Righteousness

I Am Adonai – the Lord of lords

I Am King of kings

I Am Omnipresence

I Am Omnipotent

I Am Omniscience

I Am your Life giver

I Am your Life Safer

I Am your Light in the darkness

I Am your Deliverer

I Am your High Tower

I Am your Rock

I Am your Shepherd

I Am your Comforter

I Am your Protector

I Am your Strength

I Am your Prince of Peace

I Am your Everlasting Father

I Am your Savior

I Am your Redeemer

I Am the Lover of your soul

I Am your Captain

I Am your Rear guard

I Am your Bright and Morning Star

I Am your Rose of Sharon

I Am gracious

I Am Holy

The list could go on and on but these few examples reveal the heart of our Lord.  There is nothing too hard for Him.  There is nothing too difficult for Him.  There is nothing out of His reach.  There is nothing and no one that can remove you from His hands.  He is with you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and has promised to never leave nor forsake you.  You are always on His mind and in His heart.  Yes, no one will ever care for you like the great I AM.  He is the one and only “I AM!”   Every description and every attribute is a promise from the great I Am to you and your life.  From the moment of your conception to the second of your death He will always be with you.  Allow Him to reveal the truth of Who He is in your life.  The Great I AM!



New Life Once More


Do you ever feel dried up, and hopeless? Nothing can ever change the situation in your life. You are lost and alone. All of us do from time to time. You might not be able to change a circumstance or maybe the hopelessness is coming from a situation totally out of your control. You have looked to the right and then the left; you have even tried to fix it yourself to no avail. Now you stand, alone and hopeless. You are in that valley of dried bones like Ezekiel 37.

You try praying – nope, they just bounce back into your face, echoing in your ears. The heavens are brass and your prayers fall back to the earth. Ok, then you try reading – even your favorite verses. They taste like sawdust in your mouth. It is impossible as the words seem to run together and make no sense to your weary mind. You can’t remember what you read two minutes ago. And the bad thing is, you have no idea how to get past this desert walk. Your heart cries out; what can I do? Where do I turn now? You know deep inside you need a touch from the Lord but how? Where? When is it going to come?

When the Lord revealed the valley of dry bones, Ezekiel honestly answered that only the Lord knew if the bones could live again. It wasn’t a bunch of dead bodies, the flesh and skin were totally gone. These bones laid scattered throughout the valley. And the Lord wanted to know if they could live. In our frail human eyes, this looks impossible. Yet to the Lord we serve, nothing is beyond His capability. He created Adam from nothing, and He fashioned Eve from a single rib of Adam’s. So He is more than able to look at this pile of bones and see all the possibilities.

As Ezekiel spoke the Word of the Lord over this valley, a rattling took place. The bones came together just as they had been before in life. Finger to wrist, arm to shoulder, hip to leg, each one attached in their proper place. Then tendons, flesh and skin miraculously covered the skeletons. Then once more we see the Lord breathing life into these renewed bodies. It took the Lord’s breath to bring life once more.

It is the exact same way with us. When we are in that bone dry valley of death – we need the Word of the Lord to once more speak to our dryness. He will restore what is scattered. Healing will bind together what has been broken. With a single puff from the mouth of the Lord, what is dead can be brought back to life. Nothing is impossible for our Lord. No matter how dry you feel, how distant He seems, or how closed the doors of heaven are – He is able to speak life once more.

Let me tell you – THERE IS HOPE! Oh, the hope is not in you or anyone around you, but only in the Lord. Allow Him to breathe upon you again. Let Him mend your brokenness. He is more than able to heal your spirit. Stand back, look to Him, and let His Spirit move in your life today. Let Him restore your hope and faith. He is moving on your behalf even now. Let the cry of your heart be, “Only You Lord – I pray that You will breathe life once more into these dry bones.”

Tongue Wagging Tales


“You know it has to be true.  I heard it from Tom and he said Sue told him that Sam was at the store and overheard the cashier telling her friend.”  Believe me, in many areas of the world, the grapevine gossip line is alive and well.  Have you ever played the game gossip?  One sentence is whispered into the ear of their neighbor and by the time it gets to the end of circle that simple phrase is so twisted and turned around that it doesn’t even closely resemble what was said at the beginning.    Another version of this unfortunately happens within the walls of our churches.  It may begin innocently enough as a prayer request, but let’s face facts – we love to wag our tongues.  Not everyone suffers from this issue, but many does.

Throughout the book of Acts, we see what the church looked like after the Day of Pentecost. It was full of power, love, and dedication.  We see growth beyond anything we can imagine.  And as I shared in an earlier writing there were four activities that ensured a healthy church.  First, the church was in unity – their goal was to unite and do all the Lord had instructed them.  Second, the apostles were teaching  sound doctrine .  These were men who had sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to every word.  Third, they broke bread and spent time fellowshipping together.  These were people who grew up together in their walk in the Lord.

But, something else caught my attention when I was studying the other day.  As I read Ananias and Sapphira, and like so many other times thought about their attempt to deceive the apostles.  They wanted to appear like everyone else that was selling property and laying the money at the feet of the apostles.  Unfortunately, they failed to think things through.  Even if they had succeeded in fooling the leaders of the church, they would never be able to trick the Lord with their deception.

Now, how does this tie back in to my first paragraph about wagging tongues and gossip?  Think about it for just a minute.  Ananias came before the apostles and laid the money at their feet.  The Holy Spirit immediately exposed the deception.  Acts 5:5 reveals the results: When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened.

A terror gripped all the people.  The fear of the Lord fell upon the people.  But then we see something unique in Acts 5:7 About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened.  Once she was confronted she too died.  No one has spoken a word to Sapphira about her husband’s death.  Not a single person felt they had the right to share this news.  No gossip, ‘prayer request’ or well-meaning friend wanting to comfort the widow.  They had no way of knowing the outcome when she came before the same apostles that confronted her now deceased husband.

It is too easy to get caught up in spreading the good and the bad news with today’s hi-tech toys. We have cellphones, I-pads, tablets plus social media with Facebook, snapchat, and whatever else is out there.  But, each one of us makes the decision of what we share and how we share.  We have to be careful what we share and how much detail we give out.  If it is an honest prayer request, the Lord will reveal when to stop talking.

We decide if we lift people up or tear them down.  Yes, we are the only one that can ask the Lord to show us how to tame our tongue.  Do we desire to be like the church in Acts, a church set on fire and willing to be all He has called us to be?  Are we going to be the church presented to the Lord without a spot or blemish?  Yes, we make the decision to walk uprightly before the Lord in all areas including the use of our tongue.   Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.  Psalms 19:14

No Busy Signal Here!


“Hi, I’m Operator 549.  How can I help you?”

“Yes, I want to make a long distance call.”

“I can dial that for you – let me have the number with the area code first.”

“That’s my problem.  I know the number but I don’t have an area code.”

“We have a problem.  All phone numbers have an area code.  Do you know the country that you are calling?”

“Uhhh no, not really.  All I have is the number 777…”

“Ohhhhh!  Wait a second.  That is a universal call to heaven.  We don’t need an area code when we call there.  Let me have the rest of the number, please.   I’ve heard a lot about that place.  Some people have even said the streets are paved with gold and the gates are made with pearls.  They even said the walls were made from all kinds of jewels.  It is said to be a beautiful place.  Hey, have you ever seen it or pictures of it?  I wonder if the stories are true.   Do you have the number?”

“Yes, it’s …”

“Oh yea, I remember something else I heard about it that place too.  People say that there is absolutely no sickness there at all.  Can you imagine no colds, no allergies, no cancer, or heart disease or nothing?  Nothing at all!  I have seen so many friends and loved ones suffer from some these ailments.  It would be nice if it is true.  To be able to live without any kind of sickness would be great.  What did you say that number was?”

“It’s 777…”

“Man, I just remembered something else.  I heard that no one will ever die there.  They will live forever in the presence of God.  Not sure I know Him, but my Grandmother used to talk to about a Heavenly Father and His son Jesus.  I wish I could remember more about what she said.  She said something about believing in Jesus and He loves me, but I just don’t know much more than that.  She died when I was very young.  Did you tell me that number yet?”  The line silent for a moment with the operator lost in her memories of long ago.”

“The number is 777-PRAY.  And the extension is JESUS .  That’s what I was told, you know like some of the commercials you see where they use the letters for parts of the number.”

“You know, I completely forgot.  You don’t need an operator to make that call.  It is a direct call for everyone.  And the strangest thing, everybody says that no matter what is going on around them, they have never gotten a busy signal.  That is next to impossible here.  Man, I have even heard stories of people getting a busy signal when they have called here, but never there.   So you don’t need me after all.  Just hang up and dial that number and it will go straight through.  Can I help you in any other way today?”

“No, but I do want to say one thing.  Your grandmother was right.  Jesus does love you and He is waiting for you to call Him right now.  If you want to find out more just pick up a Bible and look up John 3:16.  Oh and be sure to look up Jeremiah 33:3, that will explain why there’s never a busy signal.”

“Thanks for the information.  I will be sure to look them up.  Good-bye and be sure to just dial that number direct.”

Once more the dial tone comes through the earpiece.  Slowly, I begin dialing the number.  777-PRAY and then at the right time I entered “JESUS”.   Immediately, a deep soothing voice answered on the other end.  “Lord, it’s me.  I need to talk to You….”

Realistically, we never have to pick-up a phone to talk to the Lord.  However, we too often we fail to realize that it that easy to just talk to Him.  He is always there and always listens to us.  He longs to hear our voice and no matter what is happening He has the time to listen to us.  In fact, He is not confined by time like we are, so whether it is early in the morning or in the middle of the night – He is awake and waiting to hear from you.  You might be driving, or riding down the highway.  Maybe you are waiting outside a hospital room.  Wherever you are just reach out and talk to Him.  Tell Him your heart, your concerns, your fears and failures.  As you pour out your heart, He will meet you.  He will reveal His love and compassion.  He will never fail you or forsake you.

A special thanks to my Pastor.  He shared the phone number in the middle of his sermon this morning and the truth of how easy it is to just reach out to the Lord.