Worms Anyone

“Nobody likes me! Everybody hates me! I’m going to eat some worms.” Kids sang this little chorus years ago, especially when they were at odds with their friends. Of course, the sentiment didn’t last long but the words reveal the thoughts of many people including adults at different times of their lives.

Often, when we have been through a long struggle or a harsh event in our life, we become physically and emotionally separated from friends and loved ones. We struggle to fit in but many know the intense feeling of loneliness even as we stand in a large crowd. We might not sing the words “Nobody likes me!” but the reality is the feeling gnaws away deep inside.

It’s at those times, we need to put a guard up in our hearts. Not because someone is out to get us, but the truth is the enemy of our soul wants to use it to bring about more separation. Little half-truths begin ringing on our ears. Brother Sycamore didn’t speak to me or Sister Sue looked right through me. We forget that others have personal struggles and sometimes they are pre-occupied too.

Other times, our actions and attitudes push everyone away. We could be angry over matters we can’t control, or maybe a loved one deeply hurt us. Fear is another factor that contributes to these situations and has paralyzed many from allowing people to get close to us. Concern over what others think brings terror to some hearts. In others, there is a deep-seated panic that if someone sees the real you that they will no longer be a friend.

But the truth is, the Lord is always waiting for us to turn to Him. He desires to be in a one on one relationship with Him. He loves you just as much as He loves the brother in front of us or the sister working in the nursery. We can rest in the fact that He knows the real us. He sees our real heart and still loves us and His love will never fail or fade.

As we struggle through those times of intense loneliness, we can rest in the knowledge our Heavenly Father waits and even longs to communicate with us. He might minister words of comfort through a sermon, song or even a phone call. It might come through a hug, a card, or the Scriptures. While we might feel alone, we need to remember we are NEVER truly alone. That is His promise and He always keeps His promises.  Hebrews 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Just a Miracle

Do you realize that you are a miracle? Yes, you! Well, think about it for a moment. How else would you explain your life? Most of us, if it were not for the mercy of the Lord would probably be dead or in horrible circumstances. However, the Lord has touched our hearts and our life.

We were sinking in the miry clay of sin, every single one of us. In fact, we were so deep in the vat of muck that only the tops of our heads, eyes, and noses were above the sludge. We could not touch the bottom. Our arms were pinned to our sides and movement was useless. Then to top it off, there is absolutely no one around that can help us out. There are no overhanging limbs from nearby trees, vines, or ropes to help us out of this predicament. Hopeless despair fills every fiber of our being.

We have come to the end of our rope. Here we are stuck in this bottomless pit of despair; wondering exactly what to do next.
Then, a gentle voice begins calling your name. You quit struggling and begin straining to hear the voice better.

“Come unto Me. Lay your burdens down and just surrender!”

Where is that voice coming from? Finally, you manage to wiggle around enough to realize that Jesus is behind you. Why is He back there? Because throughout your life, you have turned toward the world; leaving all thought of Jesus behind you.

“Come to Me, I have made a way.”

But how? I am filthy; no one could care for me now. I have made too many mistakes, big mistakes, major ones. How could anyone ever want me like this?

“But I do! You just need to …”

I need to do…what? I don’t understand how this works.

“You just need to repent! Open your eyes and heart and see how living life your way has brought you to this place. See your shortcomings for what they are –sin! You have failed to follow My instructions and broken My commandments. The wages of sin is death! But I have made a way out of this miry clay.”
But how?

“I gave My life up for you. I took your punishment and carried your burdens to the cross. When you repent, I will cleanse you whiter than snow.”

Seeing the reality of where my choices have brought me, the truth is right there before my eyes. I need a Savior. In spite of my failures, my shortcomings and sins, Jesus is reaching out to me. How could He possible want me? Yet, He has told me that He loves me. He loved ME enough to die for me. No one else has ever done that before. But…but why?

“I have loved you since the beginning of time. Even before your birth, I loved you. I called you by name and My heart’s desire is to have a relationship with you.”

With tears running down my face, I cried out in repentance. Sorrow filled my heart as never before; sorrow for my sins, my shortcomings. While the tears run suddenly, I begin to feel lighter, and realize the miry clay is gone. I am… white, whiter than snow. All the weight has been lifted from my heart. For the first times in years, I am free.

“This is the miracle of your new birth. You are whole. You are a new creature in Me. Old things have passed away and I am making all things new. “

Yes, I am a miracle. I am a child of the Most High. Chosen by the Lord, now I am set apart for His good pleasure. All the weight of the past is gone and I am free. I am a miracle.

Rejoice in who you are, and the truth that the Lord has taken a messed up heart and made a miracle out of you.

3, 2, 1 GO!

1That’s it! Get on up and take that step of faith. Get out of your boat, your comfort zone and move forward. It’s not too late, and you are not too old, too young, too bad, too weak or fearful. Because you see, it’s not about you, it’s all about Jesus. It’s in His power that you can take that step. It’s His strength that you need, because in yourself, you are too weak. Age doesn’t matter – because if He called you to it, He will guide you through it. Jeremiah was called when he was in his mother’s womb. John the Baptist leapt while in his mother’s womb for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice. Yet Abraham was in his 70’s when the Lord called him out to a new land. Moses was in his 80’s when he became the leader of a bunch of slaves. Noah was over 500 when he began building the Ark.

What does matter is your obedience. As Christians, we need to lay aside the things of this world and get busy about the Father’s business. We have children, neighbors, and entire families that need to hear the Word of the Lord. Those in prisons need to hear the Good News. The sick need prayer. Our widows and orphans need to know that they are not forgotten. The shut-ins need to know that someone cares. Teenagers want to know that He is real and need to see it in our lives and not just our words. There are hearts to plow, and seeds to plant in the hearts of many. Maybe your call is watering previous planted seeds – then get busy. Perhaps you need to shine your light on that struggling seedling. Others are called to feed with the food of the Word.

Think about this for a moment. Abraham had no idea where he was going when Jehovah called him out. Moses knew the direction to go, but the struggles up ahead were unforeseen. Joshua would face a vast number of enemies when his tribe finally crossed over to the Promised Land. David already had a king when Samuel anointed him. Elijah faced the 400 prophets of Baal without fear. Abigail ran out to feed David’s men to prevent innocent bloodshed. Ruth followed Naomi to a land and people she never knew. Rahab hid two strangers to make a way to a new life for her and her family.

The list could go on and on, not only of events in the Scriptures, but about the men and women of faith who were willing to follow the leading of the Lord and spread the Word to a lost and dying world. The Lord’s mandate has not changed in over 2,000 years. Our instructions are still the same – “Go into ALL the world and make disciples.” That was His command then and it is still true today.

Will we make mistakes? Yes, of course, we are all humans. Peter failed when he was walking on the water and took his eyes off the Lord. Elijah fled at Jezebel’s threat to kill him, allowing fear to rule his heart. Moses allowed anger to get the best of him. David fell into the sin of adultery. Naomi allowed bitterness into her life at the loss of his husband and sons. Yet, as we get our bearings back and once more press in to the Lord, we will overcome those shortcomings and walk the path He has laid before us.

So rise up! Step out of your boat and get busy. You were born for such a time as this and the Lord wants to use you right where you are. You are a vital link in the Kingdom of the Lord. Yes YOU! There are hearts that only you can touch. Your submission to all the Lord has spoken in your life will make the difference in the lives of those around you. Lay aside everything else and be obedient to the calling He has laid on your life. It’s not too early, nor it is too late. It is just the right time in the Lord. Step on out!!!!

Overcoming the Floodwater

It is easy to be caught up in the busyness of each day. We rush here and there, seldom taking time to see the beauty around us. However, when we slow down and see the wonders, it helps put our life into proper perspective.

The splendor of the sun rising through the trees early in the morning may stir your heart. Or, watching a breeze gently moving the leaves on a tree. Slow down, look around, and watch all the creatures made by the Master Creator. Are the squirrels running and playing on the surrounding trees? Have you listened to the different birds singing their praises to their Maker?

Others find great comfort when a loved one says, “I love you!” Or when a child embraces you with arms full of love. Does the smile of an infant flood your spirit with affection? The sound of a phone ringing and hearing the voice of a loved one brings joy to many a lonely heart. Even a card or letter brings great encouragement to the receiver.

Have you really taken time to think about your many blessings? Even in the midst of all our struggles and hardships, He has blessed us tremendously. We need to reflect about not only our physical blessings but also our spiritual blessings.

Our salvation came at a great cost to Jesus, but He freely gives it to us. His blood covers a multitude of sins. What was once black and ugly becomes white as snow when we cry out in repentance. Through His perfect sacrifice, we are adopted into an eternal family. The gift of eternal life promises a future free from pain and suffering. There is no greater gift in the entire world that could ever affect our life as the gift of His salvation.

We have His grace – His unmerited favor. We don’t deserve it and can never earn it. Noah found His grace, and protection from the floodwaters. As the children of Israel stood on the edge of the Red Sea, He brought them through on dry land. We endure various storms in our life but He declares the same grace to us. Floodwaters come into our life but His promises hold true for us today. He will be with us and carry us safely through.

It is impossible to name all of His gifts poured out upon us. But, take time today and thank Him for His salvation and grace. He is worthy of all your praise. Even in the midst of your storm, He is worthy.

Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.

Shining Through

Stain glasses windows are beautiful, especially as the sunlight shines through them. The various colors flash across the room in brilliant reds, vibrant blues, and majestic purples. Have you ever thought about your life as something as beautiful as a stain-glass window? “Absolutely not,” would be the response of many of us. However, in all honesty that is exactly what the Lord has ministered to me today. The response of many is “Really? You have to be crazy! How in the world can anyone think my life is looks like a stain-glass window? My life is anything but beautiful.

You have to remember that at one point all the various fragments were just a bunch of shattered pieces of glass. Their edges were jagged and sharp without any form or design. Too often, that’s exactly like we are before we come to the Lord. We seem to be just a bunch of shards of glass that constantly inflicts pain on our heart and spirit. Yet our life contains all the same colors, our bruises produce brilliant shades of blue and sometimes black. We have various shades of green for the envy we allow to seep in, when we ‘want’ what someone else has. Our yellows come from the fear allowed in our life, too scared to move forward and too afraid to stay where we are. Reds reveal the anger and rage that gets the best of us. Then we have the browns, where we fall flat on our face in the dirt and mire. Many of our life battles produce wounds worthy of the purple hearts.

But, how can all of these shards become something beautiful. We only see the various pieces piled high with no rhythm and reason. However, the great thing is the Creator of the universe sees beyond the pile. He knows where each piece belongs, as well as what it will take to form each section into the correct shape. Certain pieces are shaped by moving them back and forward on a grinder. Isn’t that exactly how it seems in the natural. Events happen in our life wearing us down. Yet, the Lord uses these irritations to bring us to the reality of our need for Him.

A diamond edge cutter is required to cut straight edges or reducing the size of larger pieces of glass. This cutter makes indentations on the glass and with a light tapping that split the sections apart. How many times has your life been impacted by events that have deeply cut you? It might be the loss of a loved one, or a failed marriage. Perhaps you have a child who walks away from all you hold dear or even a betrayal. These major events seem like it will tear us totally apart. Yet with the gentle hand of the Lord, each piece is shaped to fit just right into the larger picture. Once all the pieces are shaped, the edges are covered and placed in the correct position of the pattern. With some heat and soldering all the pieces together, the design quickly takes shape and all those little worthless shards become a thing of beauty.

You know that is how the Lord sees our life. He views all the little ‘useless’ pieces of our life and understands exactly how they fit into the bigger picture. He knows what it will take to form each piece of the puzzle and how they all fit together. Too often, we only see the mess, but not so with the Lord. Then when we see the need for His touch, and His salvation; He begins making us whole once more. His love joins our broken pieces into a thing of beauty. As He shines His light through us, others can see His love, grace, and mercy.

With a touch from the Lord, your life has become a thing of beauty. Your life’s picture reflects the love of the Lord to a dark and dying world. No one can deny what the Lord has done in your life. He has taken the very thing that the world has called worthless, useless and just a pile of trash and turned it into a masterpiece. You are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. Let His love shine on you and through you.

Reaching out

What breaks your heart? Does your heart cry out for a little one and their parents who have received a devastating diagnose? Or maybe it’s a parent who passes away leaving their children way too early. Does your heart grieve when you listen to the news of an abused child? Perhaps it is the sudden death of a friend or acquaintance. Does the news of a member of our military who un-selfishly loses their life in a land far away bring sorrow to your heart? Maybe its a failed marriage, or the betrayal of a spouse. What about the life lost in the sea of drugs or booze? Or the lost, lonely, and hurting.

Then there are the individuals standing on our corners. Yes, we see street-people all the time and many times, we become numb to the sight. And I know some of them are simply there for a handout. But not all! There are those who have fallen between the cracks of society and they sit hopeless and for the most part helpless. We sit at our red lights or stop signs looking in every direction but at the person standing with their hand out. We have to ask our self, what would the Lord do? How would He react to the sight? Would he reach out to them? I have no doubt that the Lord I know; the Messiah of the Bible would be the first in line to touch that sin weary life.

An older gentleman has been on the corner of one of the off-ramps of the interstate for weeks. He holds his sign up asking for help as the cars spill off onto one of the smaller roads. My heart aches as I see individuals like this. For whatever reason, they are on the fringes of society. However, for this one man – today his reality was even worse. He sat in his wheelchair with one leg amputated in the chilly rain. I prayed for the Lord to send someone to him, to be a light in his darkness.

We cannot reach the need of everyone out there. Nevertheless, we can be a light to some. We can cry out for their souls, and their needs. We can pray for comfort for the hurting ones, peace for the confused, and strength for the weak. Intercede for those who need deliverance. Pray for exposure for the ones who need to be rescued from their environment. Can you cry out for comfort for the grieving? Are you willing to stand in the gap? Will you stand before the Lord and intercede for those who need a touch from the Lord you serve.
I recently read of one man who dared reach out to someone digging through the trash for food. Arrangements were made to meet next door. During the meal, he discovered the gentleman was dying with cancer. Up until recently, his sister was his caregiver, but she unexpected die and he was reduced to living on the streets. With tears in his eyes as he feasted on the first real meal in weeks, he shared “You are an answer to my prayer!” “Oh no, not me, I just wanted to help you out.” “But you don’t understand, I prayed. I prayed for someone to help me out and the Lord sent you! I was so hungry and I prayed! You are the answer to my prayer.”

You might be the answer to someone’s prayer tonight, or tomorrow. Or you might be the one who intercedes and the Lord softens the heart of another to answer the need. Your prayer can make a difference even when you can’t see it. I challenge you to pray, to cry out, to stand in the gap, and to intercede for those around you. We are His instruments, His chosen ones to reach out to a lost and dying world. Will you be used by the Lord today?

Crying Out!


We are connected to each other in so many ways in society today. Telephones, computers, cell phones, tablets, and probably some I have never heard about. We can phone, text, email, chat, messenger, Facebook, Instagram (whatever that is) snapchat, and several others. Some even use Skyp to talk to loved ones far away. Yet, many Christians, even with all their knowledge about communication; have great difficulty in seeking after the Lord in prayer. We know we need to pray, we want to pray, but the lack of prayer is obvious. How? It is evident from the lack of power and answered prayers.

The world we live in seems to get crazier by the minute. Cities have entire neighborhoods that are considered dangerous to even travel through. The gangs have taken over and no one is safe. Sexual predators on line place our children danger daily. Parents have buried their children, the result of bullying. Drugs are destroying our society from the richest to the poorest in our nation. Wars, terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, and so many other horrible events take place daily. Just watch the news and you can quickly become depressed.

As Christians, we have to be willing to stand in the gap for our family, our church family, friends, neighbors, nations, and world. Just weeks ago, Christians were killed in our own country simply for professing their faith in Christ. Hundreds of Christians are being tortured and beheaded overseas. They need our prayers. Will they hear our words? No, but you can rest in the knowledge that they will feel our prayers. Think about how the intercession of the saints delivered Peter from prison. The Lord sent an angel to walk him right out the door. Your prayers could have the same result in the life of someone else today.

How many of you struggle knowing you have loved ones who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior? Are you crying out for their salvation? Are you storming the gates of heaven interceding on their behalf? If so, then continue to stand in the gap, they need your prayers. As long as there is breathe, there is hope. A dear friend had spent years praying for a loved one. When he suffered a devastating stroke, the doctors said he could not hear any longer. Her fear was overwhelming until she was reminded that as long as there was breathe there was hope. Once more she interceded for his salvation. Within hours, he responded to their words in spite of the doctor’s words. Days later, he asked Jesus into his heart as his Savior. Imagine their rejoicing! He lived three months afterwards and no one doubted the reality of his salvation.

Every single one of us needs prayer and every one of us needs to be seeking the Lord in prayer. Prayer is our lifeline, our source of connection to the Lord. Jesus slipped away to pray to His Father. He taught His disciples to pray. Even as He hung on the cross, He thought of those around Him asking the Father to forgive them. He set the example before us. We see the disciples following His example in the upper room as they prayed and broke bread together.

Pray for the lost, the lonely, and the discouraged. Lift up your family, your friends, and neighbors. Intercede for the abused and neglected. Ask Him to show mercy, and bestow strength on the persecuted. Reach out to the Lord in prayer as never before. You may never see the results this side of heaven. However, you can rest in the knowledge that your prayers have and will make a difference. Press in and pray, intercede and stand in the gap; your prayers are needed more now than ever before.

“Father, I pray we catch a glimpse of the power of prayer in our life. Teach us to intercede for those around us. Show us how to cry out for Your mercy and grace. Let us see Your power moving in our life and our loved ones. Let us make the commitment before You today to pray and intercede before Your throne. We seek Your face today as never before. Amen”

You Are His


The world ridicules Jesus and His followers. They say there is no God or He is dead. They accuse Christians of needing a crutch or worse. Moreover, this is only going to get progressively worse in today’s society. However, as Christians we can hold on these two verses in our daily walk with the Lord. Psalm 18:1-2 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Within these few words, we can see how the Lord supplies every need in our life, far beyond what the world sees.

The first part of the verse confirms our love for Him, as our Lord and God. No matter how much we love Him – His love is infinitely greater than ours. This divine love was there at the beginning of time. It was present, at the moment of our conception, and it continues throughout our life and death. In fact, His love is so strong that it will be there throughout eternity.

Jesus has an endless supply of strength that He shares with His disciples. He is our Rock to hide behind when the enemy of our soul is seeking to destroy us. When we need a fortress, a place of security and rest – He is there. When trouble comes, and we fall flat on our face – He reveals Himself as our Deliverer. As we draw close to Him, He provides a way of escape.

Our God, our mighty God, is unlike any one else. Even when all others fail, we can trust Him. He promises to never leave nor forsake us. His love wraps around us like a shield or a buckler, protecting us from the missiles of our enemies. One definition of horn is “power”. Jesus is the power totally behind our salvation. We can hide in His high tower, finding it a place of safety and refuge. Nothing can separate us from the Lord we serve.

As believers, Jesus forgives our sin when we repent. He frees us from an eternity of everlasting judgment and redeems us for His kingdom. He prepares us to be His bride – yes, a bride fit for the eternal KING JESUS! You are His bride, His chosen one! You are the love of His life! Keep your heart soft before Him and walk in the light of His love. You are His!

Light as a Feather


“Lord, I just don’t understand. How can I ever forgive this? How can I let this go? They hurt me and I just don’t know how to forgive them much less let it go! Why? Why did You let it happen? You could have kept me from getting hurt. I just don’t how?” Have you ever been in a situation like this? Betrayal has come from the hands of a loved one or a close friend, or maybe even a church member. Their actions may have been deliberate, or perhaps they made a decision without thinking about the results or the consequences.

Yet, forgiveness is one of the most difficult emotions to deal with. It is hard to let go of a hurt caused by another individual especially knowing the action was intentional. We feel justified in carrying the offense like a badge of honor. A small offense can be more easily let go, but when the wrongdoing is major, how do you do it? Let’s be honest – sometimes it is just too hard. In fact, it is almost impossible.

We can look around and see the results of un-forgiveness on some people. There is a scowl or angry look on their face constantly. You know the ones, they feel life has handed them a lemon and they have been sucking on it for years. You can hear it in the voice of others; their tones are sharp and critical. Others have a dark brooding look in their eyes. Then there are those individuals who have been hurt so deeply that they shy away from others. Their fear of another painful event prevents them from forming any close relationships. They have never dealt with the root of their hurt, the sting and agony is just as fresh today as it was originally. Bitterness takes root in our spirit and the roots can dig down deep when it does.

However, there has to be a way to overcome the deep pain of un-forgiveness. We must as children of the Most High learn to forgive just as the Lord has forgiven us. It was your sin and mine that lead to the death of Jesus on the cross. Because of our shortcomings and failures, we needed salvation. There is one major catch – if we want forgiveness from our heavenly Father, we must also forgive all, yes ALL, who have offended us. That brings us back to the beginning, how do we let go?

Many years ago, a dear friend ministered this to me as I struggled with this issue. “Lay it at the feet of Jesus, yes it is hard, but it must be done! Think about it this way, when Noah became drunk and Ham saw his father’s nakedness. Ham ran telling his brothers. Without looking at their father, these two brothers took a blanket, walked in backwards, and covered up their father. Do this with your un-forgiveness. Lay it at the feet of Jesus, and ask Him to cover it. Picture this happening in your heart. It won’t be easy. But as you seek after the Lord, He will help you leave it behind.”

She was right, it wasn’t easy, but through the grace of God, I was able to lay the heavy burden of un-forgiveness down and let go of it. I was free! Free from the weight and hatred that had filled my heart for several years. Bitterness lost its grip on me and I can’t describe the peace that took its place. From time to time, the memory stirs up but it no longer has the power to control me. Over the years, I have had to deal with other betrayals and each time I have learned to lay them at the feet of the Lord.

Have you been carrying a heavy load of un-forgiveness? It’s time to let it go. Lay it at the feet of the Lord and seek His face. Allow His Spirit to minister to you. Your experience will probably be very different from mine, but that’s okay. He deals with each one of us in His own way. However, this much is true; the weight that lifts off your heart will bring a freedom that you can’t imagine. Because letting go of un-forgiveness frees you much more than the person you are forgiving. Let go and walk in His forgiveness and freedom.

What’s the Cost


How could we ever repay the Lord for His many blessings? Could anyone attempt to settle his or her account? If we were able to repay Him for all he done in our life, how many of us could afford the total that would be due? The cost would be astronomical. It is doubtful that even the richest man or woman alive would have the funds to settle their account, much less the average person who lives paycheck to paycheck.

We know from the Word that salvation is free. However, if you really think about what Lord accomplished on the cross for you and me, that single act is priceless, and irreplaceable. No one else throughout history has been able to secure eternal salvation for another person. We cannot talk them in, drag them in on our shirttails, or wish salvation on them. Yes, there have been selfless individuals that have saved the physical life of another and their act is courageous and honorable. However, as great as this is, it does not ensure anyone a place in heaven.

Forgiveness is wonderful word; forgiveness from all our sins, shortcomings, and failures. Forgiveness sets us free from the wages of sin. With our pardon, the enemy of our soul can no longer hold our failures over our head. The Lord’s forgiveness brings a freedom that can only come through His blood. Can we even begin to figure a cost to His forgiveness?

Think about His protection over the years. There isn’t a security system or bodyguard on the face of the earth that can compare to His divine protection. On many occasions, even before I became a Christian, there is no question the Lord was protecting my life and the life of many others. His security system is on high alert twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks in a year. A host of angels surrounds us. Do you have any idea how to place a price on that kind of defense?

Remember the old song “Can’t buy me love!” That phrase is so true. Plenty of people have tried but the result is still the same. It was a big fat failure. Money, gifts, and things will never sway the heart of anyone. Oh, they might enjoy riding in a new car, or wearing new jewelry, but things cannot sway true love. However, His love is entirely different. Since the beginning of time, the Lord has loved you with an everlasting love. Nothing you can say, or do will change that truth. There are times, when we fail to follow His leading that we grieve His heart, but that doesn’t change His love.

Then there is His redeeming grace; His unmerited favor that literally no one deserves. All of us have sinned and fallen short. All of us deserve death. But, He extended His grace to us without a single thought of the cost. His grace allows us to run the race. He literally bent down and showered us with His grace. Just as Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, we have found that same favor.

We haven’t even touched on the subject of His role as the Great Physician. Or His position as the King of king, and Lord of lords. Take a moment and think about His mercy and longsuffering towards us? He is our Provider, our Shepherd, and the Rock of our salvation. He is also the Prince of Peace, our Deliverer, and our Shield. He is the Rose of Sharon, the Light of the world and our Strong Tower. Jesus is able to supply everything we need in every facet of our life.

No, the truth is, there is absolutely no way that you could ever begin to repay the Lord for all of His benefits. It is impossible! However, you can honor His gifts by living your life for Him. Your decision to serve Him, not out of obligation but out of love brings joy to His heart. Serve Him with all your heart, your mind, soul, and being. Serve Him with gladness. Yes, give your all to Him! It will be one decision that you will never regret. See More